I began October with the intention of mainly focusing on making a dent in my physical TBR of already-owned books, but I mostly failed at that. Fortunately, I still enjoyed some really awesome audiobooks and digital comics as well as one physical read.
Building off of the painstaking character building of THE WAY OF KINGS and following up on all of that book's final twists, WORDS OF RADIANCE shines a light on why Sanderson's STORMLIGHT ARCHIVE series is so wildly popular. All of my hangups with the first book were addressed with this adventure and I felt thoroughly invested in everything going on. I think I have a novella to read through before I go into the third book, but I am eager to continue with this series.
Although this book was not at all what I expected, I still had a good time with it. I wish that Kelly made stronger (or at least more consistent) use of the saints' lives as part of this book's reflections and I also felt as though some of the chapters were a little scatterbrained (which really could have been tidied up for such a short book), but Kelly's simple yet profound messaging is the main draw here. As a nighttime/daily meditation guide, I think this serves well enough. I especially enjoyed that each chapter ends with a simple prayer that is thematically tied to the question/theme that it is based around.
I rated this 4/5
Having never read any Stephen King before, I thought SALEM'S LOT would be as good a place to start since it about vampires, which is more my speed than most other types of horror. I found myself impressed that all the hype around King's characterizations was not overstated and I was pleased that this was more eerie/suspenseful than it was grotesquely horriffic (though there are some pretty gnarly scenes). While it didn't suddenly turn me into a King super-fan and I'm not about to go and devour his entire back catalogue, I did enjoy my time with this, especially as a spooky October read.
The series overall was a 3.5/5 for me
While this is certainly a creative concept that has a lot of awesome character re-imaginings and other worthwhile surprises, I just don't think that it was always executed as well as it could have been. For every moment where I thought something was really neat, there were almost as many where I lamented the wasted potential or simply felt confused. I'm glad to have re-read the original MARVEL 1602 and consumed all of it's spinoff/sequel series via the Marvel Unlimited app, but it's not something I'd recommend wholeheartedly.
Here's hoping that November will be a better reading month in terms of getting through the books that are already on my shelves. I will be continuing to do at least one audio book a month though as that has made driving much more fun. WARBREAKER is the book that will be joining me on my rides in November. I also still haven't finished PEACE AND TURMOIL so I really need to complete that this month.
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