November and December tend to fly by in a flurry. Thankfully, I still had some great reads that I fit into the joyful craziness of the end of the year. NOVEMBER 1. Murder By Other Means Another fun 4/5 mystery-thriller set in a fascinating alternate version of our world While I wasn't certain if this follow up to The Dispatcher would have anything new to say, it actually brings some awesome new ideas to the table and develops the characters in some brilliant ways. I think anyone who enjoyed the first novella, should absolutely give this one a try. Full review here 2. The Sunlit Man A breakneck 4/5 action adventure with tons of Cosmere developments This is by far the fastest-paced book I think Sanderson has ever done before. While I kind of enjoyed the action-movie style of narrative, I also think there could have been a little more space left for character interactions. While the core cast is fine, many of the side characters fell incredibly fl...