Thanks to a book I had a little left over from in July and a carefully planned TBR for a Discord readathon, I was able to have another really good reading month. 

1. The Sword of Destiny

For me, this was a fun and surprisingly deep 5/5 read!

I went in hoping for more fun monster hunting stories and definitely got that, but I was pleasantly surprised by how emotionally poignant this got as well. There are some heavy hitters in this story collection mixed brilliantly with a couple sillier stories. 

2. Yumi and the Nightmare Painter

5/5 reading experience that was pure magic and fun

While this isn't the best fantasy love story out there, I just had such a lovely reading experience with this that I had to rate it highly. The characters were fun and ended up getting more interesting over time, the romance plot was a little conventional, but had some fun twists, and the two worlds that Yumi and Painter inhabit had all of Sanderson's trademark creativity. The absolutely breathtaking art direction of the Dragonsteel edition elevated it all that much more for me, though I think this book still would have landed in the second place slot regardless.

3. The Girl Before

4/5 for a thrilling and cerebral mystery

I don't get to read many contemporary thrillers, so this was a nice diversion from my typical reading lineup. I think the book went a bit heavy on the kinky smut, but it absolutely nailed the atmosphere of unease and presented us with some interestingly layered characters. The ending didn't blow me away, but it hit all the right notes for the finale of a story like this.  

4) Vermillion Flames

A 4/5 mix of YA coming-of-age and compelling military fantasy 

This was a super interesting book with lots of ups and downs. I didn't really love one of the main POV characters, but I greatly enjoyed the more militaristic sections and I appreciated the various twists at the end which really improved my enjoyment of the story overall. 

5. Down Below Beyond

3/5 for an adventure that was just pure fun

This isn't really what I went in expecting, but it ended up being a fun little science fiction joyride through an incredibly creative galaxy of planets that all felt uniquely alive and are generally filled with bizarre alien species. I wanted a bit more out of the characters, but if your in the mood for something that's just light and fast, I think this can really hit the spot. 

6. Untethered Sky

A nice 3/5 short-form fantasy story with and interesting world

I'm glad I finally got around to trying some of Fonda Lee's writing. This novella felt like it was a little crammed in and might have benefited from being slightly longer, but I think what we got here was good fun. The world is interesting, the characters all felt distinct, and the battles between the giant rocs and terrifying manticores were quite exciting. I would have liked to feel a little more of an emotional connection to the cast, but as it stands, this was an  easy, breezy little fantasy tale that served as a nice way to wrap up a packed reading month. 

In September, I think things may slow down a little. I've agreed to serve as a Beta reader for a fellow indie author. I'd also like to try to finally read through Dune, since I keep putting that off month after month. I'm currently listening to Empire of Silence and I expect to be wrapping that up next month as well. Perhaps a shorter book or two will sneak its way in. 


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