June was another slower reading month, partly due to lots of travel and partly due to how some of what I read didn't fully click with me, putting me into something of a reading slump. Even with that, I finished the month strong with my number one pick and found a good amount of value in the second book on this list as well.
1. No Land for Heroes
A charming and creative blend of western antics with fantastical mischief. The story, characters, and world are all a lot deeper than they initially seem. Though this one is a little rough around the edges, I think it's an absolute must read.
2. Of Men and Mary
This collection of inspirational testimonials gets off to a weird start and there is a heavy emphasis on the charismatic movement as well as Medjugorje that put me off somewhat, especially earlier on. While the book is far from perfect, I still feel as though this is a very worthwhile read that can give you a lot to meditate on.
3. Dead Stars Part Two (Emaneska #4)
The fourth and final book in this series wasn't really the climactic conclusion that I wanted it to be. The book spends nearly all it's time on what I initially mistook for a side quest and largely ignores the different ideas and narrative threads that I was actually interested in. If you are like me and don't care much for Farden, then this will likely not land for you either. If you've been loving the series so far, then I think this will probably be quite satisfying for you.
Going into July, I will be participating in another Readathon. This one is themed around the summer season as well as the SPFBO9 competition, so I am hoping that this will lead to me getting through more amazing books and kicking the pseudo-slump I've had the last couple of months reading-wise.
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