UPDATE: 7/1/2015

I didn't mean for this to update to be a Monthly Wrap Up / TBR, since that's more of a BookTuber thing than something bloggers do, but that's just kind of the way the timing worked out. Everyone Dies at the End, The Devil's Child, Injustice Vol. 2, and Stormdancer all have reviews now up on this blog and it is time to switch over to a new reading cycle.

I'm currently reading:

This round will be a bit more fluid than the last in that I am aiming to blast through the first two Hunger Games books in short succession. Sinking will likely be read in a single sitting and Unstable Prototypes will be something I read at a steadier pace.
  • The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games # 1) by Suzanne Collins
    •  I have begun my re-read of the famed dystopia. I already know that I love this book, but will feel better about reviewing it if I have a more recent experience with it. This will also gear me up for the two sequels which I hope to have finished before the final movie comes out.
  • Unstable Prototypes (Big Sigma Book 2) by Joseph R. Lallo
    • I really liked the first in this trilogy and am hoping that the sequel is event better. I'm not very far in and while I was a little annoyed with elements from the first book being overly summarized it promises to be really good once it picks up and kickstarts a new adventure.
  • Sinking by Cy Wyss
    •  This is a short story of about 30 pages that is written by an indie author who also runs a book blog. Subscribing to the newsletter entitles readers to a free copy of this story. I'll be doing a short review on this and since this features a character from one of the author's novels, I may pick that up if I like the short story.
I'm planning on reading:
  • Catching Fire (The Hunger Games # 2) by Suzanne Collins
    • As soon as I finish up with The Hunger Games, I will be jumping right into this one and hoping that I love it as much if not more than I loved the movie adaptation.
  • Mockingjay (The Hunger Games # 3) by Suzanne Collins
    • Hoping to get into this before the final movie comes out. I've felt guilty about each time I go see the movies without first reading the books and I have one more chance to redeem myself in this respect. 
  • Kinslayer (The Lotus War Book 2) by Jay Kristoff
    • I absolutely loved the first in this trilogy so I'll be getting a hard copy of the this once I finish with the Hunger Games trilogy. 
  • Artificial Evolution (Big Sigma Book 3) by Joseph R. Lallo
    • Sometime after I finish with book 2 in this series, I will probably be buying the concluding installment.
  • The Aneid by Virgil 
    • I had to read part of this for a class and liked it a lot, but since we moved on to something else and I had all my other schoolwork to do, I never got to finish it. It's my goal to do a re-read of this at some point especially since I already have a copy just sitting there waiting to be read. 
  • Endsinger (The Lotus War Book 3) by Jay Kristoff 
    • Assuming all goes well with the second book, I will eventually be getting into the third and final book in the main portion of this series (there are some companion novels and/or novellas)
I'm currently writing:
  • The main writing project I have is somewhat on backlog until I have a bit more free time. I chip away at it whenever I can and really do hope to have a teaser prepared for it in the near future. For now though, it's still a lot of prep-work with creating outlines and getting all the details sorted out before really diving in.
  • Visions of: The Future is technically in its post-production phase. I have been toiling away at the cover and will likely o a cover reveal for it in the near future. It's a very time consuming process as to be expected and it is slightly cutting into my other work a bit. I am very excited to see the work completed and can't wait to share the cover.
  • Digitarum music was the start of posts I intend to make on writing and publishing. I eventually would like to share step by step walkthroughs for how to publish, compose a novel, and market a book. While I'm not at all an expert in any of those subjects it might still be fun to share what little knowledge I do have.


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